Taking Care of Myself & My Home (during COVID-19)

As I mentioned in my earlier post, even before the Corona virus (COVID-19) took hold of our world, this has been a pretty rough year for me. It was also a busy year and I had taken virtually zero time for myself or my home. I’d even missed being able to do my annual “New Year Purge” at my own home because I didn’t have time. But hey… nothing like living out an eerily similar real life version of the movie “Contagion” to make your realize you need to slow down, right? 🙂 I finally decided to take advantage of the down time to do some things for myself and my home. Here’s how i spent the last few weeks:

  • Laid around and binged on my personal social media pages and took a break from the business ones. Probably not the best idea but hey, it felt like a guilty pleasure. I did make it a point to only share positive or funny feel goods.

  • Cuddled with the dog and the husband (in priority order).

  • Texted, called and FaceTimed with family and friends more than I have in a long time.

  • Took walks when it wasn’t raining and drives when it was just to get out of the house.

  • Started my “New Year Purge” in March. This entails going through every single drawer, closet, nook and granny of my home. I have a stock pile of clothes, small furnishings and other home items that as soon as places re-open I plan to donate to Tornado Victim relief efforts and the humane society.

  • Washed everything in our home. I mean, everything. Dish towels, bedding that hadn’t been used, towels in the closet. You name it. I washed it.

I am only sharing this because I know that feeling of always feeling like you need to move forward and be productive. Normally, I feel that feeling 24/7. But the last two weeks, I did what needed to be done and outside of that, just did whatever I needed to to make it through the day!

Even though my productive self is back in full swing, I plan to really, really try and keep making time for myself. On that list includes:

  • A long weekend retreat with Richard and June at our Leiper’s Fork property

  • Quality time with Richard and June

  • Calls, texts and FaceTiming with family and friends

  • Finishing the “new year purge” and putting my home back together

  • Sticking with the walks and adding in some in-home exercise classes

  • Adding in home facials and pedicures to my routine until I can go back to the salon

  • Painting our master bedroom

How are you planning to take care of yourself and your home during all of this? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

Megan McCrea


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